Sailing adventures of Captain Kirk, Heidi, Tosh & Tikka...

Interloping Iguanas & The Banderas Bay Sand Trap

By Heidi & Kirk | Jun 27, 2019 |
Freda at the Pride Parade, PV 2019

Happy Summer! We continue to re-live our amazing Cuban adventures, and feel so lucky to have visited just before the US once again slammed the door hard on Cuba, claiming that they are instigating unrest in Venezuela and Nicaragua. But if you have visited this small Caribbean nation, you’d know that’s not very likely. If…

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Cuban Time Travel, Part 4: Valle de Viñales

By Heidi & Kirk | May 22, 2019 |
Valle Viñales, Cuba

After our tour of Cienfuegos and Trinidad (see Cuba-Conga! Part 3: Cienfuegos & Trinidad), the next morning we were up early and ready for our road-trip to Viñales (“Ben-YA’ll-aze) with Bel and Gustavo. We had first learned about Viñales reading a Cruising World article on Sailing Cuba last year. Since then Viñales moved to the top of…

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Cuba-Conga! Part 3: Cienfuegos & Trinidad

By Heidi & Kirk | May 22, 2019 |
Trinidad, Cuba street scene

Having returned our charter sailboat in Cienfuegos (see Cuba Part 2), we were excited for our continued travel adventures in Cuba, which included visiting the historic “Sugar Baron Era” colonial towns of Cienfuegos and Trinidad along the west-central coast of Cuba. (see Cuba Part 1.) We had pre-arranged for our wonderful tour guide Bel and taxi-driver Gustavo (with his…

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Sailing Cuba Part 2: A Normal Amount of Fun?

By Heidi & Kirk | May 16, 2019 |
Kirk & Heidi Sailing Cuba

When we last left you (Viva Cuba Part 1: It’s Complicated!), we were at the Platten Sailing charter base (a German charter company) in Cienfuegos, Cuba… scratching our heads trying to figure out how to step the mast on our assigned catamaran, so we could get going with the sailing part of our Cuba adventure. After all,…

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Viva Cuba! Part 1: It’s Complicated

By Heidi & Kirk | Apr 29, 2019 |
Viva Cuba! Part 1: It’s Complicated

Our recent trip to Cuba was one of our most favorite vacations ever. We can’t stop thinking about Cuba and talking about Cuba. Yet when people ask why it was our most favorite trip, we can’t quite put a finger on it. It’s complicated. But we’ll do our best to explain here… Maybe it was…

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