Sailing adventures of Captain Kirk, Heidi, Tosh & Tikka...
In early April, we took a trip up to the Southwest US to visit Heidi’s parents, Jean & Pete, south of Tucson—with huge gratitude to our dear friends, Boni & John, who stepped up to catsit Tosh & Tikka when our other cat sitter fell through at the last minute. With four of their own…
Read MoreMarina Vallarta hosts the racing fleet during the MEXORC Sailboat Regatta held every other March in even years. Above, Due West (in her shade canvas at left) hangs out among the big boys. The local MEXORC race is preceded by a big International SDYC Puerto Vallarta Race, where sailboats race from San Diego nonstop to Puerto…
Read MoreVisiting Vallarta seems to be on everyone’s radar this year and we’ve had more visitors this past winter than all the years we’ve been in Mexico combined! So much fun to at least 24 of you! Apologies if we missed getting a photo of you in our blog. Most people don’t come to Vallarta specifically to…
Read More60 trips around the Sun is something to celebrate! And Kirk did an awesome job planning a FUN-filled week celebrating Heidi‘s 60th Birthday. He hit a home run with moonstone earrings, a shell bracelet, and a beautiful manta ray t-shirt, and Heidi loves all of them! Festivities kicked off on her actual birthday, January…
Read MoreWe hope this holiday season finds you happy and healthy, despite the chaos and sadness around the world. We continue our 30+ year meditation practice every day, sending peace, love, and healing energy around the globe, and to all of our friends and family. And we love our beach yoga tribe sending group energy to…
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